Competitor Analysis

There are several colleges and institutions that are affiliated to national and international universities which provide MBA degree to the Nepalese citizen. The competitive analysis of few colleges ranked as best for providing best business studies in nation affiliated to national university and colleges having international affiliation is done and shown in table below:

Affiliated to National University
Name of College
·      Ranked as the top business school in the nation.
·      Good networking and relation with the corporate houses.
·      Well established and recognized brand.
·      Better education at low cost

·      Inadequate field visits
·      Lack of transparency

·     Strong focus on the students.
·     Second best business school in the nation.

·      Highly Expensive
·     Good infrastructure
·      Lack of competent human resource
Pokhara University-Faculty of Management Studies
·      Good infrastructure
·      Low cost

·     Poor internal management
White House-GSM
·      Adequate number of field visits
·      Low cost
·      Follows the semester system instead of trimester system
·      Poor management often paralyzed by politicization.
·     Affiliated to oldest and widely recognized well established Tribhuvan University.
·     Bitter history of failure on running trimester system.
·     New in the market.
Affiliates to International University
Name of College
Institute of Banking and Management Studies
·         Good goodwill to colleges
·         Ease access to international learning materials.
·      No strong presence and has a least acceptance by the customers.
·   Slow feedback on the performance of the students.
Welhams college
Kings College
KFA Business School
·         Flexibility in learning hours and timing.

 Self Analysis
Everest Business School is a partnership based Business School to be established at capital city of Nepal which is Kathmandu under the ownership of six friends with national and international academic experience from different universities. The proposed university has several strength and weakness as described below:

·         Catering of national and international experience of the proprietors to develop the nationally and internationally competent individuals.
·         Strong social network with the corporate houses and banking sectors.
·         Competent human capital
·         Well equipped e-library
·         Opportunity and encouragement for student to publish their research articles which is barely practiced in Nepalese universities.
·         Well equipped virtual classroom with the availability of tutors for 16 hrs a day.
·         Following a calendar method.
·         Use of latest IT technology for instance use of IT for checking plagiarism, automated swapping system for security and providing students separate mail ID and other facilities to communicate with students.

·         New in the market
·         Providing only one course (MBA).