Size and Growth
Realizing the importance of
the doing business nationally and internationally, studying MBA has been a
necessity and trend in Nepal. There are 100s' of colleges providing the
undergraduate management studies and produces the 1000s' of undergraduates each
year. Besides this there are 1000s' of undergraduates from different faculty who
try for MBA. The number of colleges providing the undergraduate management
study is growing each year there by increasing the number of undergraduates
each year. The gap between the increasing number of students demanding for
business studies and lack of good college providing business studies leaves
there a huge number of untapped markets. Thus, the market size for Business
School is very huge with huge growth potential. Since there is no any
institution providing MBA degree outside Kathmandu our Business School will be
tapping the market outside the Kathmandu valley as well within 2 years of its
operation which will help to increase its market share.
of location
Baasbari of Kathmandu is
selected for the establishment of the Business School. Centralization of
facilities in capital city Kathmandu has made Kathmandu a city of dream where
most of the youngsters from different parts of Nepal come to fulfill their
dream and to obtain their higher educations. There is no any institution
outside the Kathmandu valley that provides MBA degree. Thus, to get enrolled in
MBA students from different parts of country come to Kathmandu. Thus, Kathmandu
holds a huge market base for the business studies. Thus it is the perfect location
to establish a Business School. Some reasons for selecting Baasbari-Kathmandu
for establishing Business School:
holds a huge customer base.
multinational companies, banking institutions, business houses, and capital markets
has their head-office and business operations in Kathmandu which adds to the
easy access to the business organizations.
of Kathmandu is less crowded as compared to other part of Kathmandu so it
provides a peaceful learning environment.
lies outside the ringroad so large area of land can be purchased at
comparatively low cost.
People today are being
smarter than ever. Practical education offering a real work environment
experience has been the demand of every student today. Business studies has a
tremendous effect on the standard of living and quality of life of every
individual and realizing this fact the demand for the business studies it has
been increasing day by day and Nepal is no more aloof of it. Thousands of
students each year from hundreds of business colleges do under graduate each
year from different parts of Nepal. And the number is increasing year by year. After the under graduation those students opt
for achieving degree on MBA together with other hundreds of students from
different faculties. Unlike the increase in the number of students opting for
MBA there are no much institutions or universities providing MBA degree that could
hold the increasing mass of students. Thus, thousands and thousands of students
inside the Kathmandu valley and outside the Kathmandu valley who come to
Kathmandu with an aim of achieving the MBA degree are the prospect customers of
our Everest Business School.